The secret ‘IT’ factor every voice actor should know… ‘Romeo, Romeo! Wherefore art thou Romeo?’

Ode to the drama! The tragedy and comedy! The highs and lows! Voice acting isn’t always Shakespeare and Pulp Fiction… It is an ART in communication. You as a voice actor MUST move your listener emotionally. That’s name of the game. If you don’t, you risk sounding like you’re simply reading. The result is an unmoved and […] Webinar: E-Learning VO Expert Rachel Alena

Webinar Hosted by with eLearning Expert & Voice Acting Coach Rachel Alena. Tuesday, July 28, 2020, 1:00p EST Available to all current premium members Event Description Voice over actress and coach Rachel Alena has worked with some of the most respected companies in the world, including Procter & Gamble, Old Navy & […]
Podcast with Wendy Vaughan & Rachel Alena

Join business expert Wendy Vaughan in this podcast about how to grow a voice over business with voice talent Rachel Alena! Wendy and Rachel dive into the voice over industry and how to overcome adversity to achieve voice over success.
Podcast with Matt Sodnicar & Rachel Alena

In this podcast Matt Sodnicar and voice over coach Rachel Alena break down voice over do’s and don’ts. Voice talent Rachel Alena provides characters and voices as examples of voice over acting technique.